The assignment was to take a picture of ethnicity. Unfortunately I got sick, one again, and was unable to shoot. When I got back to school I discovered that the deadline was in two days! I went to art class and told my friends Marianna and Cindy my predicament. They were very helpful and suggested we go to Chicano Park and take pictures on Wednesday.

"La Virgin de Guadalupe"
The photo above was taken outside using natural light at an alter to the Virgin Mary. My model, Marianna, is wearing a mexican dress and is praying the rosary. When I got to school the next day I chose two pictures and began editing them in photoshop.
For this image I simply went to "filter", "render", "lighting affects." I chose to use a lighting affect to make it look like the Virgin was glowing and to make Marianna darker but still visible.
I think this photo works because religion and art is a huge part of mexican culture and I think this picture shows it.

"NiƱa Bonita"
In this photo I have Cindy, dressed in a folklorico dancing dress, sitting on the edge of a fountain. Again I used natural lighting. This fountain was quite cool because on one side the people looked alive but on the other side, the side Cindy is on, the people are skeletons!
For this one I used the clone stamp to get rid of the words "CALL TIA!!!" on her arm and to get rid of the hairpins and hair-tie next to her. After I fixed that I, again, went to lighting affects and chose "flashlight." I made it so that the light was mainly on Cindy but you could also see the fountain.
I think this photo also works because it, again, shows art and it shows what mexican girls may wear.
That's all for now :)
I hope you enjoyed them :3
Bye :D