Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oil Spill Landscapes

This image shows a memorial to the things that were lost because of the oil spill. I chose to write about this picture because it is a very strong and meaningful image and I just love it. This picture was taken in someone's yard in Grand Isle, La. The top left corner is in shadows and the light source seems to be coming form that top left corner. There is some depth of field. I feel that this image is not only a nice landscape photo but also conveys a strong message.

This image shows a beach and in front the shore are the words "PARADISE LOST" written in what looks like garbage. This image was taken in Grand Isle, Louisiana. What's good about this image is that the horizon line is straight. I like what they did with it too. We've seen many pictures of the ocean and many times they all look the same but because of the message on the beach it makes it something we've never seen before.

This image, of smoke from an oil fire near the coast of Louisiana, was taken in the air. Because of the smoke in this picture I can't tell if the horizon line is straight or not. Again this is something many of us haven't seen before so it is interesting and shocking at the same time.

I think all of these images are very strong and convey messages just as strong.

That's all for now...
I wish this wasn't happening. I wish these photos didn't exist... I wish the oil spill didn't exist...
Goodbye for now :(