Friday, September 30, 2011

Sally Mann's Style


Sally Mann
Sally Mann

The top two images are of my little sister Sara. I was attempting to duplicate Sally Mann's style. Sally Mann's models alway seem to have something that sticks out about them that makes them look kind of different and weird. One of the things that sticks out about Sara is that she has vitiligo, which has turned some of her skin, as well as her hair, white. I had her part her hair differently than she usually does so we could see it. My sister was actually being kind of difficult with me so I'm lucky I even got the shots.

I placed her against a black background and used tungsten lighting. I had her stand up and open her eyes wide. After the shoot I put the photos in photoshop and changed it to grayscale and duotone with black and a copper type color. I added a duplicate layer and did a gaussian blur and erased it where I wanted it in focus.

What I like about these two photos is that they seem to have a deeper emotional feel to it. I can't quite figure out why that is though.

I hope you enjoyed it :3 

New School Year 2011