Tuesday, November 10, 2009


For this project I used Darrian again because she is a wonderful model and is very patient with my constant questions. In this picture she is outside and I have her holding an umbrella and jumping off of a bench. Everything in this photo is blurry and out of focus. I did this by accident. I actually wanted Darrian to be in focus and the background blurred. This was my first time taking a picture where the person is moving. It was very difficult and I am not completely satisfied with my shots.

While I am disappointed with how this photo came out I do think that it conveys motion. I hope to get better at taking photos of motion.

In this image Darrian is outside jumping over a trash can that a raccoon knocked over. This photo, I feel, came out better than my first. The raccoon is in focus while Darrian is blurred, just the way I wanted it. The background is not completely in focus but you can still tell that those are trees in the background.

I do have things about this image I wish I could change but overall I think that this photo is successful. I still feel that I need to get better at taking photos with motion.

Well goodbye for now! :D

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Depth of Field

This is my model Darrian. In this photo Darrian is the only thing in focus. I wanted her to be the only thing that was in focus. The background is completely out of focus and because of that, it is almost one solid color. Although you can't see them, there are trees in the background. Darrian has her hands in front of her face with her fingers spread, as if she is looking through something.

While I am extremely happy with how this turned out I wanted to print a different shot of her that I felt was more interesting, but I felt that this one had a better depth of field. I really like how this one came out and in my opinion is my best print so far.