Tuesday, November 10, 2009


For this project I used Darrian again because she is a wonderful model and is very patient with my constant questions. In this picture she is outside and I have her holding an umbrella and jumping off of a bench. Everything in this photo is blurry and out of focus. I did this by accident. I actually wanted Darrian to be in focus and the background blurred. This was my first time taking a picture where the person is moving. It was very difficult and I am not completely satisfied with my shots.

While I am disappointed with how this photo came out I do think that it conveys motion. I hope to get better at taking photos of motion.

In this image Darrian is outside jumping over a trash can that a raccoon knocked over. This photo, I feel, came out better than my first. The raccoon is in focus while Darrian is blurred, just the way I wanted it. The background is not completely in focus but you can still tell that those are trees in the background.

I do have things about this image I wish I could change but overall I think that this photo is successful. I still feel that I need to get better at taking photos with motion.

Well goodbye for now! :D

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