Friday, April 9, 2010

Group Photo Shoot for SCPA

The assignment was to get in a group and do a photo shoot for SCPA. The shoot had to include some or all of the arts we have at SCPA and the use of strobe lights. I was in a group with Darrian, Ruby, Stephany, Lexi and Latrice. Our models were Lisa (playing the cello), Claressa (dancer) and Katherine (artist). We used 3 people because we know that the eye likes odd numbers.

We decided to shoot outside, in the Senior Circle. We used strobe and natural light from the sun. We set up the strobe light to the left of Lisa. Katherine had the wonderful idea of spreading leaves on the ground. After we got everything set up and our models situated we started shooting. Unfortunately we didn't really keep track of who took what so we're not really sure who took the photo above.

This photo shoot was very difficult and challenging. We had a lot of issues. There was confusion and indecision on what the models should be doing. Once we started shooting the PE people started walking to the water fountain and getting in our shot. We had to herd them around the photo shoot and ask them to run if they got into the shot. But in the end we all agreed that all that trouble we went through was worth the finished product.

I decided to print this photo because I liked how everyone looks in it. One of the things I love about this shot, that I noticed after printing it, is the light coming through the tree. I think this photo is a good representation of SCPA because it shows the arts, we have part of the SCPA campus in the background and we have SCPA students as the models.

That's all for now
I hope you enjoyed our photo
Bye :3

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