Thursday, October 21, 2010

#2 Hidden Love

"Hidden Love"

Above is the second photo for my portfolio. My models are my best friends Diana and Amber. This image was inspired by two of my friends (not the ones in the photo) who are going out. Both of the girls are bi sexual and make an adorable couple. But they have to hide the fact that they are going out and how much they love each other because when one of the girl's sister saw them kissing she told their mom and she got in huge trouble. It was worse than just getting in trouble. The girls mother temporarily stopped talking to her daughter and kept say "Where did I go wrong with you...?"
When she told what happened it broke my heart because I love them and they deserve to be happy but for her mother to say that....I can't imagine how much that must have hurt her. They are still together and they were willing to model for this picture until they found out I had to put it up on here. They don't want to have to break up because of their families.

This image was actually not my first idea. My original idea was to shoot them in the studio with tungsten lights and black out their faces in photoshop to represent how they can't let people know that they're going out. But Ms. Miles said that I should shoot outside and use natural symbolism like the crack. The crack (which I had to photoshop a second one in) represents the strain having to hide their love puts on their relationship. They're holding hands but notice that they are back to back and are kind of hiding their hands on the side, that represnts them being together but having to keep it a secret. Their faces which are shadowed was not created by the magic of photoshop but by the tungsten light and represents once again their secret.

This image once again has a very dark feeling to it which I had hoped it would. I wish for people to look at this picture and really think about how hard it must be to care about and love someone so much and not being able to go on dates with them or hold hands with them at school or not being able to kiss them without being worried about who sees.

So that is my second image for my portfolio. I hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks again to my dear friends Diana and Amber
Bye :)

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