Friday, January 28, 2011

Second Semester

On Wednesday Ms. Miles met with the juniors and sophomore and told us that for the second half of the year she wants us to think of 10 new ideas that we might like to try or do for a senior ex. Yesterday we went to Balboa Park and saw the Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA). The show we saw there was called "New Realities: Jerry Uelsmann + Maggie Taylor." I got a lot of ideas and inspiration there. So here is my list of things I would like to do or try:

  1. Dark room trickery as done by Jerry Uelsman
  2. Black and white photography
  3. The innocence of children
  4. The happiest moments of our day
  5. Portraits that look like they were shot in the 60's-80's (may go with #2)
  6. My family
  7. Cancer
  8. Abandoned buildings 
  9. Genetic disorders
  10. From child to teenager to adult
  11. Teen angst
  12. Gay rights
  13. Fantasy (such as Maggie Taylor)
  14. Abuse
Okay so I thought of more than just 10 but I guess that's kinda good. This list isn't really in order but the top 9 I'd really like to do but as for the  rest I'm not so sure about but I'll try them.

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