Monday, April 11, 2011

5 Photo Series

Probably for the rest of the year I'm going to be doing photo series of fives. I finally thought of a good idea that I actually care about, childhood cancer. When my brother was twelve years old he was diagnosed with two brain tumors, which we later found out were cancerous. My brother was in the hospital for months, although it felt like a year. I remember that he looked the same before and immediately after his surgery but a few weeks later when my mom took me to visit him I thought we went into the wrong room. How could the puffed up boy on steroids be my skin and bones brother? I was about to ask my mom "Where's Miguel? Are you sure we have the right room?" when he had greeted me by shouting "Hey Tina!" I never knew someone could physically change so fast, it amazed me.

Every month me and my brother go to a cancer support group meeting for teens with cancer and their siblings. I have friends who have cancer and friends who's brother or sister has cancer. I've suffered losing quite a few of them to this horrible illness. Everyday I'm thankful that my brother has survived and has been cancer free for almost 7 years.

My idea is to obtain a picture of a cancer patient before they were diagnosed with cancer and capture a photo of when they are fighting the cancer.

The images below of my brother helped inspire this idea

Miguel at age 12

Miguel and my dad at Celebration of Champions
Miguel was going through cancer treatment (if you look closely you can see that he was bald)

Me and Miguel years later at Celebration of Champions
By this point Miguel had beaten his cancer

My brother, Miguel, age 18

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe this idea you've had, its simply amazing! I love it Tina!
