Wednesday, November 10, 2010

#6 Gay Teen Suicide

"Gay Teen Suicide"
Fact: Suicide is 2 to 3 times higher for LGBT youth!
1 out of 3 queer kids have tried to kill themselves!
Kids rejected by their parents are 8 times more likely to kill themselves! 

The above photos are about gay teen suicide. When I heard about the suicides due to anti-gay bullying it really hurt my soul. I know how it is when a loved one attempts suicide but I can't imagine how much it must hurt for someone to lose a loved one due to suicide. One of the things that I hate about these recent news stories is that people are acting like this is something new. It's nothing new, this has been going on for a long time but I'm glad that it's finally getting attention and people are realizing that what they say can really affect someone. I can't really link you to any of the recent gay suicide stories because there are just so many to filter through and at the moment I just do not have the time, nor the heart, to do so.

In these images my model is Darrian. You remember her from last year in photo 1-2. For this shoot I did actually learn how to tie a noose knot and everything. I did not actually hang my model, I love her far too much to even consider it! The shot above was created by her holding onto a branch of a tree and I just realized that I should have included that tree trunk.... dang it.

The reason why I have 2 photos uploaded is that I could not decide which one to use and I really need some help picking. It would be very helpful if you could comment on this post and tell me which you like best. It's okay if you do it as an anon too. What makes it so hard to choose is that both the pictures were photoshopped the same way, the only thing that's different is that one is in black and white and the other's in color. Instead of telling you every step I went through when editing I'll just give you the link to what tutorial I used. I used a tutorial called Ghosting an Image. For the one that's in color I did things a little differently though. For the color one I only effected the legs and feet. A few people told me that I should edit out the person in the background but Ms. Miles actually likes the person back there. It kind of makes the viewer wonder "Why isn't the person in the back doing anything about it?!"

The feeling of these pictures is dark. But I'm not so some how doesn't feel dark enough to me. I'm considering re-shooting because I'm not 100% satisfied with my images from this shoot. I'm not quite satisfied because it almost looks like she's just jumping off the chair and I feel that it doesn't have that big of an impact on the viewer. Oh well. If I have time to re-shoot I will. I'm pretty excited about my next project though. I'm taking screenshots of everyone who has done a video for the It Gets Better Project, editing them at least 40% (so I can't get sued), and putting them together as a collage.

Well that's all for now
Check out the links below
Bye :3


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