Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's Going On

Hey guys, it's been awhile. Sorry for not posting any new pictures lately but I promise you I'm working on them and I'm still alive. A lot of stuff has been going on lately. The holiday's are coming up and so are progress reports. This year has been one of the busiest and stressful years yet. I'm trying to keep my head above water so to speak. Trying to not drown in school work and chores. Unfortunately it has taken me away from what I love most which is photography. I'm hoping that during this break I'll be able to take more pictures. I have quite a few ideas. Here is a list of some of the ideas I have:
  • Don't Ask Don't Tell: A soldier holding both the american flag and the gay flag
  • Wedding Day: 2 women getting married while people are protesting it
  • A student being told to take off a pro-gay shirt while another student has a shirt that says "God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" 
  • Children saying the pledge of allegiance under the US flag, words printed on a paper "for liberty and justice for all* ......... *unless you're gay"
  • Last picture: group photo of all my non-straight models with someone holding up a sign that says "This is Who We Are"
So that's what you have to look forward to. I'm currently working on the It Gets Better collage. If I do all the photos above that'll put me to 13 pictures then I'll only need 2 more.

One of the other things that's been stressing me out is that I met most of the kids that I'll be traveling with to Australia. They're really nothing like me. Many, almost of them, are pretty rich. Almost all are white and look pretty conservative. I felt completely alone and no one talked to me. The only people I really talked to were the leaders and that was because we started talking about photography. Later in the car my mom told me that maybe I shouldn't tell them I'm bisexual because doesn't want me outcasted even more. I really agree with her too. I had a nightmare that they found out and hated me for it and did horrible things to me, then I got kicked out of the program. I'm probably making this a bigger deal then it actually is but I'm still terrified...

Well that's what's going on. Thank you to all my viewers especially those of you in other countries! I hope all of you enjoy my blog. More pictures are on the way!
Bye :D

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