Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sequencing: Free Hugs

For my sequencing book I did Free Hugs. My models were; Darrian, Steffany, and Asia. I took the photos outside, behind the art buildings at school, on a particularly sunny day. The image above is the cover of my sequencing book titled Free Hugs. I painted it silver and glued ruined and blank negatives to it. The biggest image on the cover is a close up of Darrian holding my Free Hugs sign. The smaller image is of Darrian holding the sign and waiting for someone to come so she could hug them.

The image above is a full body shot of Darrian holding the sign waiting to hug someone. With this image I was just trying to set up the story. In the background you see a building, trees and how the street curves. I like this image because of the simplicity of it. It's just her standing there holding a sign.
I wasn't able to upload all my images, so you'll be missing some. Before these images there was one before it of Asia walking.
In the image on the left Asia stops in front of Darrian and looks at her. Darrian asks Asia, happily, if she would like a free hug.
In the image on the right Asia thinks Darrian is weird for giving free hugs and walks away without saying anything. Darrian is very sad that Asia didn't accept her free hug. I know from personal experience how much it sucks when someone thinks you're weird and denies your free hug. It's very sad and is blow to your self-esteem.

In the images before this one Steffany sees Asia walking away and that Darrian is sad. Steffany is one of those people who is cool and would accept a free hug. Steffany hugs Darrian. Darrian is taken by surprise when this happens. But in the image above she hugs Steffany and it is a happy ending.

The image above is the back cover of my sequencing book. I, again, painted it silver and glued blank negatives to it. I took an extra print of one of the images in my book and glued it on. In the top right corner is a quote I got off of the internet but it didn't say who said it. The quote is, "Happiness is an unexpected hug." I feel this quote is directly related to my story because Darrian was happy when Steffany hugged her.

I really enjoyed this project and I hope I can do more sequencing soon.

That's all for now. I hope you liked it.
Bye ^_^

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