Monday, September 20, 2010

Portfolio Proposal

Summary of Request:

Proposed by: Christina Maria Cervantes
Project Title: Proposition H8
Class: Period 1 Photography 3
Instructor: Ms. Miles
Project Due Date: 1/31/2011

Project Description

Type of Work: Portraiture

I will be taking pictures that will have something to do with gay rights. These pictures will include people as they will be portraits. The work will show people who are bi, lesbian, gay or transsexual. The photos will show how these people are effected by prop 8 or society in general. I will try to make the pictures seem natural and not so posed.

I'm hoping that people will see my pictures and realize that these people are not abominations and that they will see how much hurt discrimination and hate causes people of the gay community.

My inspiration is the gay community, my friends, and my feelings. Many of my friends are not straight and neither am I. I am bisexual and even though I am only 15 years old I have been deeply effected by prop 8 and society and have felt much pain from it.

Equipment to be Used
Canon Rebel XSI, strobe lights, and tungsten lights

Not sure....

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