Monday, September 20, 2010

Test Shot

"In The Closet"

Above is my test shot for my "senior exhibition." Because of lack of models I used myself. I also shot this at home with no lighting at all.

My idea for my "senior exhibition" is gay rights. I'm hoping that people understand what this photo is saying without me having to explain but I'll explain anyway. The words on the door say "ABOMINATION," "GAY," and "HATE." In the picture it shows me coming out of a door which represents the "closet" that people hide in to avoid being judged. The words represent some of the hateful things people say that make people who aren't straight feel like they have to stay in the closet.

This is so personal for me because I'm bi and I'm still in the closet from many people. My hope is that people will see this and understand what people like me have to go through and how much their hate really hurts. For example yesterday I saw an article on gay rights and someone had commented on it saying "Being gay must suck. You guys should just kill yourselves so us normal people could have one less problem." I read that and started crying so hard. To think that someone would tell an entire group of people to kill themselves just breaks my heart.

I hope you enjoyed the picture.
Please stop this hate.

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